Solar Tech Pro Trivia: Fact or Fiction?
Embark on a journey into the intricate realm of advanced solar technology with this quiz! Delve deep into topics like solar thermal power, thin-film solar cells, water splitting processes, and more. Can you distinguish the real solar tech facts from the imposters? Test your expertise and emerge as a true solar technology aficionado!
Start QuizQuestion 1/10
Which of the following is a key component of a solar thermal power plant?
- A Wind turbines
- B Solar reflectors
- C Geothermal heat exchangers
- D Ice cream machines
That’s correct ! Solar thermal power plants use mirrors or reflectors to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, where it is converted into heat energy to generate electricity.
That’s not right. Solar thermal power plants use mirrors or reflectors to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, where it is converted into heat energy to generate electricity.
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