How to Choose a Solar Installer Near You

As you may have read elsewhere on this site, solar is one of the biggest investments you will make. Fortunately, as an asset – unlike a car, for example – it appreciates in value, it pays for itself, and what’s more, it increases the value of your home. Solar also has that unique feature wherein it’s designed to last 25 or more years. All of which makes choosing a good solar installer a necessary and important part of the journey.
A good installer will ensure that the work they do is high quality, doesn’t cause any damage to your house (in fact, they should add to its beauty), and most importantly, the installation should be done so well that you have no issues for the next twenty-five years.
Hence, Choosing the right installer is super-super-important and below are some best practices we recommend:
- Credentials/Certifications: Industry-standard certifications are awarded through organizations like the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)—widely recognized as the gold standard among renewable energy system installers. Make sure the installer you choose is licensed, bonded, and insured to install residential solar projects in your area.
- Longevity of business: Given you will need some support for the twenty plus years that the installation will be good for, you need to choose a company that would be able to service your needs for that long. Hence choose a company that has already been around. We recommend a company that has at least 3-5 years in service.
- Go Local: Local installers know the neighborhood, they know the local regulations, electricity codes, fire codes, subsidies etc. They are community partners. They are service oriented. Most importantly, they are down the road so you can just knock on their door in case you need help, support, or a nice chat.
- Addressing Roof Conditions: When you hire an installer, one of the first things they should assess is your roof’s condition. Ask your installer if they recommend roof repair prior to installation. You can judge the quality of an installer purely based on their assessment. Good installers with experience are meticulous and careful about which roofs they recommend for upgrades and why.
- Choose installers who have their own installation crews. They are more accountable. They take pride in their work. Installers who sub-contract have less control over the quality of the installation. Sub-contractors are paid on a per watt basis. They may not care as much.
- High quality equipment: Choose installers who install high quality equipment. Ask them what products they recommend and lookup reviews.
- In fact, look up reviews of installers too. Testimonials and reviews not just on the installer’s website but 3rd party sites where consumer feedback is potentially less biased.
Finally, you have us. We have curated the best installation companies in your area. We promote local installers, for obvious reasons. We have worked long and hard to send hundreds of thousands of homeowners on a bright journey of energy independence.
Click here if you would like to be one of them.