Connecticut Solar Incentives

Connecticut Solar Incentives Allow You to Save Money on Solar Installation Costs

Connecticut started offering solar rebates back in the year 2000 as an incentive for using solar power. The incentives are offered to homeowners who buy photovoltaic systems that produce carbon free electricity. Connecticut solar incentives are great because they help you save money on the cost of installing solar systems. Some of the solar incentives include the following.

Property tax exemptions

This tax exemption is offered to anyone who invests in renewable energy systems such as sun powered water heaters, passive or active photovoltaics and space heaters. The sectors eligible for these incentives are industrial, commercial and a number of agricultural and residential properties. This exemption is a hundred percent for a qualifying products and energy source. In order to be exempted from paying property taxes, you need to make a claim at your local assessor’s office before the 1st of November in the applicable year of assessment.

Utility rebates

Solar rebates are also available for commercial, industrial and residential properties when you replace gas or electricity. Utility rebates differ depending on whether a property is newly constructed or whether it is an alteration of an existing structure. The maximum utility rebate varies depending on many factors. Rebates of up to 16,000 dollars are available for commercial and non-profit organizations that are changing to using renewable energy sources like photovoltaics. This rebate allows organizations to save 80 percent off the total cost of a project worth 10,000 dollars and 20 percent off for a project worth between 10,000 and 50,000 dollars. This rebate program is great but it is only offered in specific areas of Connecticut.

Solar thermal program

This program is another good example of Connecticut solar incentives. It is available throughout the state and is offered to commercial, industrial and residential properties. Schools, non profit organizations and new constructions all qualify as applicable sectors.

Net metering

This solar incentive is offered to individuals who generate more power than they need. It is a special billing and metering arrangement between a utility company and a customer. Net metering measures the difference between the electricity you purchase from your local electricity service provider and the excess you produce from a renewable energy source. With net metering, you first use the electricity you generate and this reduces the amount of electricity that you would normally purchase. When you generate more energy that you utilize, the excess gets into the grid. You will then receive a credit from the utility company for each extra kilowatt hour you generate.

Loan programs

Loan programs are also available and they are designed to help residents of Connecticut to easily switch into using green sources of energy. These loans can help you meet the upfront costs associated with installing solar systems.


It is easy to find Connecticut solar incentives since a lot of information about them is available online. You can also find information about these incentives from your local tax assessors office where you can also get your questions about available rebates and local regulations answered. You can also get more information about these incentives from professional solar installers in your area.

  • by Clayton
  • |
  • October 7, 2014